ONDA (One-dimensional Non-linear Dynamic Analysis)

Description: Computer code to perform seismic ground response analyses of soil deposits in time domain (analysis types: linear and non-linear)

Descrizione: Codice di calcolo per analisi di risposta sismica locale.

If you use ONDA v1.4 please cite as:

1) Lo Presti D.C.F., Lai C. and Puci I., 2006. ONDA: Computer Code for Nonlinear Seismic Response Analyses of Soil Deposits, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 132(2): 223-236. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2006)132:2(223)

2) Lo Presti D.C.F. and Stacul S., 2017. ONDA (One-dimensional Non-linear Dynamic Analysis): ONDA 1.4 User's Manual Version 1.4. doi: 10.13140/rg.2.2.32409.83043.

Click here to Download ONDA v1.4

Click here to Download the User's Manual of ONDA v1.4

You can use ONDA v1.4 as well as the obtained results at the following conditions:
- recognise the authorship as indicated above;
- the codes can be used for research as well as for professional purposes or any other purpose. In any case, the responsibility of the obtained results is yours. The Authors decline any responsibility;
- you should mention any modification you have done to the original computer codes, if any. It should be clear that such modifications have been introduced without the consensus of the Authors;
- you cannot claim the authorship after remixing the original material;
- you cannot apply terms and conditions to third parties.